Electronic access to library services and resources
Posted: 05.04. 2023 at 8:55 am
You can use the collection of digitized textbooks and books to assist the learning process. The textbooks collection is accessible with Blackboard username and password through the Library website at https://repository.mu-varna.bg/handle/nls/556.
If there are mandatory for the learning process books/textbooks, as recommended by the teaching professors, they will be digitized and uploaded to the platform as soon as possible after a request by e-mail at library@mu-varna.bg.
Please familiarize and use the online platforms with electronic textbooks – AccessMedicine, AccessPharmacy, AccessSurgery, Acland’s Video Atlas of Anatomy. You can request a username and a password by filing a request form at the library website https://library.mu-varna.bg/.
An application for borrowing books/textbooks from the library is submitted by e-mail to the library after checking for availability through our electronic catalogue http://library.mu-varna.bg/catalogue/. Orders will be executed the next day. For any other information, inquiries and services, you can contact us via e-mail and telephone – the contacts are communicated at the library and university websites.
Library team