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Библиотека на МУ-Варна


An overview of some of the services the Library of MU-Varna provides to our faculty and students. If you have a request which is not covered by the information provided, please ask a librarian.

Systematic reviews

MU-Varna students, faculty, and staff can request and receive information on topics and keywords opted by them. We provide systematic reviews from the subscribed full-text databases and other specialized reference sources. The service is free of charge for lecturers, students and specialists of MU-Varna. For requests: tel.:  +35952 677 113, ext. 2604


Bibliographic search and consultations

Consultations on publishing in Bulgarian and foreign science journals.  For detailed guides on different options, please contact us: tel.: +35952 677 113, +35952 677 050, ext. 2604, 2041, 2147 and e-mail:

The service is free of charge for MU-Varna faculty and students.

Scientometric references and researchers’ profiles

Scientometric references required for holding the academic positions “Associate Professor” and “Professor”, as well as for the scientific degree “Doctor of Sciences”. Applicants should complete an application in the Career Development Center. [link =]

For other scientometric references (e.g. attestation cards, annual reports, program accreditations, etc.) – please fill out a request here %97%D0%B0%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BA %D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BA% D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8.pdf

ScanThe scanning devices are self-service and are available to faculty and students in the libraries in the Rectorate building and in the Faculty of Pharmacy. The service is free.
Readers registration

The Library and its branches are accessible only after personal registration, with a magnetic card issued by the Security Management and Access Control Department after presenting an ID and a Student’s book.

The magnetic card provides:

· physical access to each of the Library branches – the main library in the Rectorate building, the libraries in the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Medical College, and the reading rooms at St. Marina University Hospital, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

· Access to library services.

Internet access

Internet access through the MU-Varna computer network is provided with a username and password created for the Blackboard educational platform.

Free WiFi on the territory of MU-Varna

Remote access to databases

Remote access to databases and educational electronic platforms is provided after submitting a request for a username and password (Link ……..)

Username and password are not provided to non-faculty users.

Access to the Digital
Access for students and PhD students is possible with a username and password created for the Blackboard learning platform. Personal registration is required for faculty and staff.
Borrowing library documentsEach user with a valid registration may borrow literature for the home or the reading rooms according to the Library’s Regulations.
Interlibrary BorrowingInterlibrary Borrowing assists MU-Varna students, faculty, and staff in obtaining books, articles, and other materials not available in MU-Varna library collections. In order to place a request, you need to supply the accurate bibliographic data of the requested document: title, author, year, ISBN. Tel: +35952 677 113, ext. 2604
Papers request
from other libraries

Faculty and students can request copies of papers published in journals available in other libraries in the country. The papers are delivered in PDF format after submitting information on: title, authors, year, volume and issue of the journal respectively. The service is paid at the rate of the library executing the order. For requests and additional information: Tel: +35952 677 113, ext. 2604


Electronic delivery of documents available in the Library of MU-Varna

MU-Varna students, faculty, and staff can request and receive scanned journal papers and parts of books from the Library Collection (up to 10 pages). The documents are sent in PDF format. The service is free of charge for MU-Varna students, faculty, and staff. For requests and further information: Tel.:  +35952677 050, ext. 2604


Printing and copying

This is a paid service available in the libraries at the Main building and the Faculty of Pharmacy. Payments are made through POS terminal only. Cash payments are not authorized. Copy fees are charged as credit to the user’s university card. Copying and printing of materials is a self-service.

Electronic delivery of documents available in the Library of MU-VarnaThe scanning devices are self-service and are available to faculty and students in the libraries in the Rectorate building and in the Faculty of Pharmacy. The service is free.

The Library and its branches are accessible only after personal registration, with a magnetic card issued by the Security Management and Access Control Department after presenting an ID and a Student’s book.

The magnetic card provides:

·         physical access to each of the Library branches – the main library in the Rectorate building, the libraries in the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Medical College, and the reading rooms at St. Marina University Hospital, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

·         Access to library services.